Social Justice Poetry March 2020

Poems by Mrs. McFarlane's 3rd Grade Class
Madison. WI

Diversity by AR
You are unique

no matter what by tw
no matter what you look like, you matter.

no matter who you are, you can make a difference,
the world matters.

you can make a really awesome world.

Jackie Robinson by HS
Jackie Robinson was really brave
First African American to join Major League Baseball
People would yell
People would throw things at him
He stayed in different hotels
Away from the team

Malala by EI
Malala was brave to fight for girls' education and still is
Also, did you know she loved school more than anything?
Led everybody to peace and helped girls go to school
Also, Malala got shot in the head and still survived!?!
Loving Leader
Also, she led people to equity!

Ruby Bridges by SA
Ruby Bridges


Malala by NC
Maker of schools
Awesome at speaking to millions of people
Lover of education
Amazing at school
Lots of education
And that is the end of the poem MALALA

Be You by HT

Be you,
be what you love,
Be you,
be bold,
be bright,
Shine in the light.

Fairness by MP
Fairness is the best,
the best there ever is,
Fairness is the best,
because it is equal.
I love it because
it's brave
it's justice
it's something good

Be Free by ZaS
Be who you are
Be what you feel
Show what you like 
And you will not fail

Be free,
Fly free
in order to do that you must be you

Bully Mop by HeS
Boom Beep Bop
Goes the Bully Mop
Scooping up the bullies
Who in the hallways trash talk
The poor victims yell hooray
When the bully mop comes
And saves the day

Goodness and Generosity
Adventurous and Awesome
Determined and daring
Heroic and Helpful


Ruby Bridges by LZ

Revolutionary- she is nice and sweet
United- she helped people in need
Brave- she is brave and smart
Young- she was young but is still an awesome leader

You Can Change by GPB
If you are weak and you can't do it
do it again
Don't think back, thing straight
If you are black or white or beige
Don't! be ashamed of yourself
Because you are great
Don't be a bully or judge people by their skin
That's how everyone can change

Change the World by TiP
Change the world so there will be fairness
Change the world so there will be equality
Change the world so there will be kindness
Change the world so there will be no more lies
Change the world so there will be no more homeless people
Change the world so there will be more happiness
Change the world so there will be no more crimes
Change the world so the climate will be normal again

Myself by ZhS

Minecraft Player
Entirely Fit
Leaves no one behind

Obama by VaD
Awesome President
Makes a good U.S.
Amazing person

We Are All Different! by EA
We are all different
No person is the same as another
We are all different.
We all like different things.
We are all different.
'Cause we are all special.

Drake by MM
Drake is nice
Drake is nice
how he goes "In My Feelings"
to help others
how by doing
"God's plan" 
and gives money to the homeless
and others in need
He's just awesome
and lit
be like him

Global Education by IH
Education is
Deeply needed globally
Us people
Can help others
Access education.
The world wants you to join
In and help.  Break the
Obsidian barrier to open the path,
Now help others access education!


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