2018-2019 Social Justice Poetry

In April and May, students in our class researched and discussed
various social justice topics that can be found in picture books.
Students read, reflected, and then wrote poems about
topics that they felt passionate about. Here are their poems and

Giving Hearts by M.A.L.
Giving to homeless shelters is the best
help poor and other people too

help the world a lot if you give to homeless shelters.

Fairness by B.A.
Race doesn’t matter
Include people
Everyone in the world is happy
No bullying
Disagree to what others say
Sharing is caring
People are nice.

Bully Bean!!!!!!!!!!!!! by A.C.
Bullies can be green        
Bullies can be black
Bullies can be white
And don’t be a green bully or a black bully or a white bully don't be
any bully bean but you can be a good upstanding bean because being
a bully bean can make other people feel like a very sad bean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
And people know life can be hard full of taunting
full of laughing beans
Know they are being mean and a bully bean
But they are only trying to make themselves feel better About
So if you're a bean and you're being bullied just say stop I'm not
a bully bean and you shouldn't be either ! so just
Stop being a bully bean!!!!!!!

by E.D.

It's not right, the way black people are
No white better No black worse
Life should be fair for any color
So only you can change the world!!!
so get to it!!!

Elizabeth Cady Stanton by S.F.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton changed the world!

Her father was a businessman he took women’s farms and homes when their husbands died.

Because the law was different then, but Elizabeth changed it forever.

She did speeches, marches, and talks

Elizabeth knew that the only way to change the world

Was through women’s right to vote.
Many people threatened her, but many people supported her for women’s right to vote.
She changed the world. If she didn’t, the law might be the same today.

You Can Do It! by C.G.
You're young and awesome and you can change the world.
Just because you're young you can still do a lot of things you can be
you can change the world
Kids are like small versions of adults
So kids can do almost just as much as adults can
You can change people's lives although you are young and small You can be just as popular as adults
And you're just as important as adults
Like if somebody is getting bullied you can help although you're young

Homelessness by L.H.
Homeless must get paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Homelessness is bad,bad,bad!!!!!!!!
No food is bad,bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kindness by C.L.
kindness is ...
Being good to others…
                    Treat others the same you want to be treated...
Be Good…
And kind.

Voting Rights for People by K.L.
Everyone should be able to vote.
Voting rights for women and black people. Before voting rights, people were not able to vote, but now people still have problems voting. Policies prevent people by making it harder to vote. They shouldn’t do that. We all should change the world together.

Change by T.L.
Black and white what’s the matter? Why do they just hate the other? What could be big what could be small? Don’t we want to change at all? How could you believe that the people are gone? Why don’t we just come to get along? All the black history is all the clues And we can change that by doing it now.

Up To You by S.M.
Help the people who want a home.
Help a person who needs food and water
   It is up to you

Racism by Z.S.R.
Racism …
...is Cruel
…is Sad
…is Bad
...is Unfair
...is Being mean
...Is Hate

Women's Rights by D.T.
We stand together
Women’s rights are important
Fairness for women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Colors by N.V.
Black and white white and black
black is brown and white is Peach it took a hundred years
to notice it took a lot of brave people that changed the world
and it's still happening

Homelessness by H.U.
sad and gloomy cold
Homeless need money
and food
they have no place to sleep
and home sleeping on the street
Dark all night
Sleeping in a pile of snow
Freezing into an ice cube
Turning red in the hot hot sun
Mosquitos eating them alive

RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) by A.W.
She fights for gender
She fights for workers
She fights against presidents
She fights with presidents
 She fights for women's rights
She fights for lawyers  
She fights for girls going to school
She fights for Jewish people and Mexican people
     She fights for Change in the world

                     Women’s rights by S.Y.
   A long time ago in the 1800s, women
were not allowed to vote.They marched
till they got what they wanted. Soon
they did.

Women's Rights by Z.Z.
Clothes in sight
Bright, bright, bright all night…
Until somebody makes a fight
A scary fight with no light
With screams and stomps
Dishes and cooking
That’s not all we do
We make a change
And we keep on going

Barack Obama by R.A.


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