Social Justice Poetry by Mrs. McFarlane's writing group

Social Justice Poetry

Hi Everyone!  This quarter, our whole school studied the topic of Social Justice.  3rd graders studied people and topics related to Social Justice.  We read multiple picture books related to the topic. Social Justice is "justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society."  I am very proud of their work.

Malala By M.A.T.

Malala is a brave woman.
She is a peace loving person.
She wants girls to get an education.
Malala is a good person.
She has the heart of a lion.
She knew she could stop the Taliban's thinking about women’s education.
She stood up to the Taliban.
She got shot in the head.
She won the Nobel peace prize.
She became a hero.  
Social Justice by CT

Social justice
One set of fair laws
Circumstances all the same
If I see someone
And they’re different, I will
Like them all the same
Justice is important
Should be crushed
Try to be fair
It is important to
Care for

Differences by AD

It does not  matter if you are different
because we are all people
no matter the color
the gender
we need to treat the people well
no matter what
it’s ok to be different

Martin by AQ

Making peace
Always stands up for blacks
Refuses to give up black rights
Teaming up to march for black rights
Important leader
Never give up

Famine Haiku by SK

In times of famine,
Use all your food wisely and,
Wait for better times.

Ruby By MVL

Ruckus is all I see when Ruby goes to school,
Unless someone does something this rally will last,
But I think I will do something so that this will all end,
You should do something to so we can put this in our past.

Elizabeth by AY

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Look up to her respectfully
If she didn’t do anything to you don’t boss her around
Zealous in the creation of women’s rights
Active and believing in herself
Ended women discrimination
Hardworking to be equal

Martin Luther King Jr. was... By KD

… A social justice leader
… never afraid to show others how he felt
… a person that got arrested for no reason
… notable
… a person that wanted peace

Famine is... by ZH

Not fun, bad, horrid way of life
When crops fail and there are droughts
When people don’t have any food
Governments need to organize and help
Common in developing countries
Sad and awful
People can die from it

Martin Luther King, Jr.        By: DH

Man that saves black people.
Always stood up.
Rights is what he fought for.
Too happy to get mad.
I have a dream
Not really a fan of violence.  
Loving man.
Unfailingly worked for equal rights
The Nobel peace prize was awarded to him.
Had lots of supporters.   
Ensured people that they will have the same rights as whites.
Rose above everything
Knight to all  blacks.
Is awesome and made the blacks have the same rights as whites.
Needed supporters to be able to have blacks have the same rights as whites.
Giving a big gift to all African Americans in the world.

Just a cool person
Rights maker

The Wing Poem by SE

As long as you try, don’t give up and you’ll fly. Stand up to bullies, change who they are, and believe in yourself and you’ll fly far. Show bullies the light of doing what’s right. Gain your might and no matter what fight because there is a light in you. Gotta do what you gotta do, be yourself, just be you.

Ruby Bridges by A.C.

Unfairly treated
You should look up to her as a role model

Brought to an only white school
Racism stander upper
Don’t be discouraged
Gutsy and gorgeous
Excellent leader in the 1960s

Still alive to motivate others!

  Differences by A.W.
Treat people well, don’t treat them different because they're different, all people should be able to do what other people can do
if it is a good choice   

Slavery by J.Mc.
Slavery is bad so don’t do it
If you are a slave you don’t get paid any money and that’s bad.
Slavery is taking rights away from people.
Take care of yourself because one day no one will be taking care of you.
Thank Harriet Tubman, she was very good at getting slaves away from their masters masters who were very bad and…
They were bad, awful, lawbreakers now and a violation to the law all the people that were slaves should just get a new life because most slaves were slaves for their whole life and all the kids were tortured if they tried to escape they would get beat which is child abuse and they broke so many other laws I can’t even name all of them they got killed to make the masters happy the master would not even walk 2 feet to get a drink of water.

We're all wonders by J.Ma.

We're all wonders.
We can do a lot of stuff like we can shoot lasers and we can fly and be the strongest man or women and you can be as fast as flash and you can get a lot of powers and we can get a lot of things like a pool and you can get 1,000 dollars and if you be bad you won’t get those things so be a wonder and be good to people

Thank you for reading!-Mrs. McF


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